
Sharing your company with the neighbourhood, region, or even the world, can come in many different forms. A good brand identity is a solid foundation. After that, each solution is bespoke and should be tailored to the individual company for optimal results. See below for what we can offer and contact us to discuss the solution that’s best for you.

Abstract pictograph of a logo using overlapping transparent red and blue shapes.

Logo and Brand Identity

A good brand isn’t merely a logo (but the logo is still important), it is part of something greater; a collection of assets and ideas that make up a brand’s personality. Colour, fonts, shapes, patterns, photography, illustration, writing style, and more all come together to create not only a logo but the story of a brand that’s used at all levels of marketing. Let’s collaborate on bringing your brand to life.

Abstract pictograph of printed documents using overlapping transparent red and blue shapes.

Print Design

There are many ways that your brand can communicate a message through print. Whether it’s a business card, brochure, newspaper, and magazine ads, an annual report, posters, direct mail, or a custom printed piece, there are a multitude of ways of getting your message out into the world. We can work with you to determine the best type of prints your business requires and can help coordinate design, printing, and distribution.

Abstract pictograph of a vehicle wrap using overlapping transparent red and blue shapes.

Vehicle Wraps

Take your message on the road (or the water, or the air) by wrapping a vehicle with your message. Wrapping a vehicle gives your business a professional look that conveys not only who and what a company is but builds trust and legitimacy in those who see it. No matter the size of the vehicle, from a compact sedan to a passenger ferry, there are effective wrapping options to let your brand be seen.

Abstract pictograph of a large format print using overlapping transparent red and blue shapes.

Large Format

Demand attention with large format graphics. From retail storefronts to interior wall murals to billboards to wrapping an entire building, large format graphics are impossible to be missed. With over 15 years of designing for this specialized field, House of Scott can create imagery that is sure to turn heads and get people talking.

Abstract pictograph of web design using overlapping transparent red and blue shapes.

Web Design

Every brand needs a web presence. Fortunately, a website is an affordable investment that is a great point of contact for potential and existing customers. We build our sites using some of the most popular platforms for small and medium-sized businesses, WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix. Whether you’re looking for a simple one-page website or a full storefront with multiple pages, we can help.

Abstract pictograph of social media using overlapping transparent red and blue shapes.

Social Media

A consistent social media presence is necessary in today’s business environment. Whether you need header images or someone to create and implement a social media content strategy, we can help create a successful digital presence.